Jesse Brizzi

Jesse Brizzi is a Research Engineer at Curalate. He graduated in 2014 from the University of South Florida with a BS in Computer Science, and in 2016 from Stony Brook University with a MS in Computer Science where he specialized in research in Computer Vision and Machine Learning.
j3553bPosts by Jesse Brizzi
How Curalate uses MXNet on AWS for Deep Learning Magic
At Curalate, we use state of the art deep learning and computer vision to add a layer of magic to our products. Intelligent Product Tagging, for example, identifies our clients' products in user-generated photos. Being a startup, we need to build these deep learning and computer vision systems the same way we do the rest of our products: quickly. Read More Aug 1, 2018 -
Choosing a Deep Learning library for developing and deploying your App/Service
Interest in deep learning is growing and growing and, with it at peak hype right now, a lot of people are looking to find the best deep learning library to build their new app or bring their company into the modern age. There are many deep learning toolkits to choose from ranging from the long used, supported, and robust academic libraries to the new state-of-the-art, industry backed platforms.
Read More Mar 23, 2018 -
Mechanical Turk Lessons Learned
At Curalate, we constantly dream up big ideas for new products and services. Big ideas that require lots of work. Lots of boring, repetitive, simple work that we honestly do not want to do ourselves. In situations like this we turn to the industry standard for getting other people to do work for you, Amazon Mechanical Turk. Amazon’s “Artificial Artificial Intelligence” service connects requesters to people from across the globe (known as “Turkers”) to complete a set of Human Intelligence Tasks or HITs. We’ve used Mechanical Turk in the past to create labeled datasets for use in our machine learning models to tackle various deep learning problems here at Curalate (such as the Emojini 3000 and Intelligent Product Tagging). In the process we have learned a few lessons that would have saved us a lot of time if known beforehand, so here they are to help if you want to get the most out of your valuable Turk time.
Read More Feb 1, 2017