Rich Schumacher

Rich Schumacher is a full-stack developer with an interest in infrastructure and distributed systems. He is currently leading the emerging DevOps team at Curalate and has fully converted to the church of Jenkins. In his spare time he is a big fan of hanging out with his family, running long distances, and playing with model trains.
richschuPosts by Rich Schumacher
Programmatic Jenkins jobs using the Job DSL plugin
Jenkins is an incredibly powerful and versatile tool but it can quickly become a maintenance nightmare: jobs are abandoned, lack of standardization, misconfiguration, etc. But it doesn’t have to be this way! By using the Jenkins Job DSL plugin you can take back control of your Jenkins installation.
Read More Sep 29, 2016 -
Build and Deploy at Curalate
Since Curalate began three years ago, our build and deploy pipeline has changed immensely. From a manual process run locally on our laptops to an automated system consisting of Jenkins, Packer, Chef, and Asgard, the progression has given us confidence in the system and allowed us to develop and deploy ever faster. In this post I’ll talk about how we build and deploy our code at Curalate. We’ll cover where we started three years ago, where we are now, and what the future holds.
Read More Feb 16, 2016